- The Same Offers 92 Times May Be Worth It

Author esantra Category , ,

Okay. This site is full of offers, surveys, coupons, and links to get paid to shop at .coms. I wanted to see if they would actually pay me the $20 if I did not sign up for any paying offers. I completed all of these offers in one night for the minimum $20 payout. These are my results so far (12/09/08)
  • December's Earnings: $3.50
  • Pending Earnings: $20.05
  • Points: 3
The payout takes like 2 months. You get paid on a date in the following month after your completion of the surveys. This all sounds kind of fishy. I must admit that I do not know if the surveys I did were considered "completed". I merely filled in the contact information, clicked through three or four ads, and I was done. If you actually complete the entire survey( each survey has around 50 or so special offers you must click "yes" or "no" on), the process would probably take around a week. Let's see if this strategy works. I will have to update this post in one or two days once my earnings aren't pending anymore.

These are my results as of 12/17/08:
  • December's Earnings: $3.80
  • Pending Earnings: $19.75
  • Points: 3
The payment still hasn't gone through, despite the fact that they advertise that it usually posts within hours. At least $5 more of this payment should definitely come through. CashCrate just doesn't look so good to me right now.

Time Spent: 6 hours Money Invested: $0 Money Earned: Holding $3.80


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