Got Money - Proof of Payment eHow

Author esantra Category , ,

Click the image to enlarge. I thought that the minimum payout for eHow was $10, but they paid me through PayPal  within the first month. My payment was only $6.18. Not bad for the first month. I have written around 50 articles, so this money hasn't come very easily. I have really enjoyed the experience, and it's like writing articles with compound interest attached to them. You write one, that one makes money. Then you write another, and the one you wrote before that is making money. Then you write a really good article that makes really good money, and the one you wrote before that is making money, and the one you wrote before that is making money and on and on and on. You get the picture. I have posted the proof of payment in the image above.

I wasn't so sure about eHow at first because you only make money from advertising. If the user does not click on the advertisements, then you make nothing. It has actually turned out to be pretty profitable, though. Upfront payments are nice for Associated Content, but CPM ( or pay per 1000 views ) tends to be higher with my eHow

Money Invested: $0 Time Invested: 50 hours Money Earned: $6.18 so far...


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