Hmmm... Interesting to see what others write, but definitely has the ability to be abused by spammers and the like, but abuse by terrorist unlikely.
And Google not only keeps copies of my email, but now knows the sites I visit. Oh well...

Websites – Now Hiring

Another great source of online employment is websites themselves. My temporary full-time employment outside my home has ended, and I am back working online part-time for a website that I do not care to disclose here – you might be competition. Although I did want to disclose a number of online sites that do offer employment as well.
1. Google – Yes, I said Google. Google is a huge online employer. While all positions might not be from home, you may be able to find a position that is from home. WorkforceLogic is recruiting part-time telecommuters with fluency in Spanish to help with Quality Evaluation for websites for Google Inc., the search engine company based in Mountain View, California. You can find more opportunities by searching Google jobs at Google Jobs.
2. StumbleUpon is now hiring. The Community Manager position looks as if it is a work from home position, but does not specify. There are other open positions as well.
3. GoDaddy is hiring. Most positions are listed at a physical location, but some positions do list flexible as well as the physical location, and who knows, you may find one near you.
4. The is also hiring writer and freelancers for telecommuting positions. The work would be the most fun ever! The Examiner publishes some of the best work on the planet!
5. is hiring Pay Per Click Specialists through LinkedIn. The pay isn’t fantastic, but the qualifications seem simple to meet for most website gurus.
6. is hiring both Freelance Application Essay Editors and Freelance Resume Writers for telecommuter positions. Peterson’s is world famous for their education related products and this would be a great, reliable, real work from home position, granted you were hired.
“ResumeEdge freelance writers work from their own computers and offices from anywhere in the world via the Internet.” –
7. is hiring a PHP developer through The position is also telecommuter.
8. has tons of vacancies. There are so many listings here that I can’t seem to find out which ones are work from home. No guarantees… Search for yourselves.
The point is, if you like a website out there, look to see if they are hiring. You may land a position with your favorite website!
How to Host a WordPress Blog on GoDaddy

Today I am starting a new blog on going to school online. No Google Adsense can be displayed on WordPress! Oh no! Why spend all the time writing only to never be reimbursed for your efforts. Never having hosted a blog before, I have to figure out how to host this blog on GoDaddy! What fun! If you can’t smell the sarcasm already, that’s not my fault.
Step 1:
Start your blog on Wordpress – more complicated than it should be, and right now I am seriously considering giving up and switching to Google Blogger. Alas, I need the WordPress experience, and hosting is not really that expensive.
Step 2:
Google search for how to host your blog on GoDaddy. I am trying to purchase the 3 month hosting for WordPress, but can’t decide if you need the Economy posting as well…. What to do? You would think as an IT student, I would know how to host a blog… Hahahaha! After reviewing an eHow article:, I decided to just call GoDaddy.
Step 3:
After calling GoDaddy, I walked through the steps and paid around $80 to host my stupid new blog on GoDaddy for one year. I plan to upgrade to Deluxe and add my new coupon eBook site to the plan after January, which is the only way to prevent losing financial aid for a couple lousy eBook sales. I shell out my $80 bucks to the very helpful smooth-talking man on the other end just to learn that some kind of free hosting comes with the domain name – you have to have some kind of banner, but it’s free. Ask before you buy if you’re as low on cash as I stay. Anyway, it comes with email, Google advertising, and increasing site visibility or some BS like that. The best part is, if you change your mind, the hosting is refundable on a monthly basis!
Step 4:
Wait or this is what GoDaddy says:
What's Next?
You have finished setting up your hosting account. Your hosting account should be ready to use within 24 hours.
You will receive an e-mail message once your hosting account is ready to use. This e-mail message will include all of your basic account-management information.
After your account is set up, you can log back in to your Hosting Control Center to upload files to your Web site, create sub domains, customize your 404 pages, set up databases for your hosting account, and more.
It really only took 30 minutes to an hour to get the setup email.
Step 5:
I decided to unzip my newly downloaded WordPress files and install them on my C:/ Drive. Only to find out that it is already installed on
Step 6:
Turns out that I actually got the wrong domain name – now they are setting up the right one for me. This is partially my fault. This was the domain name for the website for the coupon eBook that I was originally setting up. This takes another hour.
Step 7:
Hunt for a million years for a WordPress theme. Fill in all necessary information. Decide to sleep and fill in the rest later.
In any case, the WordPress can be done right through GoDaddy! It is easy, simple, and expensive. Why did I do this? I’ll let you know later if it makes any money. I do get free Google Adsense advertising…
How to Set Up Your Own Website From Home Using Your Very Own Servers For the Cost of a Domain Name

The eBook has been doing well, slightly. To be honest, it makes around $20 a month, but I have not even begun to market it. I have been thinking about designing a website for it, and I truly need an inexpensive website for this purpose as it is likely to span around 3-4 pages, if that. You can set up your own website from home. Pros include a website for the cost of the domain name only, while cons include the need to keep the servers running and decreased security.
So, for this project, I would recommend an old pc that you have somewhere.
The first step is to download the WAMP server. This is combination of Apache, MySQL, and PHP that you can use to set up your server. ( If you are running Apple or Linux, you may download alternate versions such as LAMP. AMP stands for Apache, MySQL,and PHP, and you should be able to find a compatible version via a Google search. ) It can be downloaded here:
A simple instruction manual can be found here:
Print the guide out and follow the easy to do, step-by-step instructions. Add the necessary files to your destination folder and view using the localhost on your machine. Now, you could use a free host. Navigate your browser to: is a free dynamic DNS system that gives you a free public ip address for your domain name. For instance, you should purchase your domain name and the DNS service. This comes out to be around $49.90. Honestly, GoDaddy is about the same price, but you can get a public id for free at
Maker sure your ports are open correctly and your servers stay on, and voila – your own website with no charge for hosting except electricity! Hosting your own website is really for very large organizations with a need for security, but this is also a great skill to learn at home. Please post comments on cheap webhosting!