Writing online is one of the best ways to make money online for someone without a large investment or advertising revenue. It is often free, takes only a small amount of skill, and is only limited by your creativity. Writing to make money online can be done on the side and only requires as much time as your favorite episode of ER three nights a week to start making some money. Blogs, Articles, and eBooks are all ways to make money writing online. eBooks are the next logical step in the make money online writing process.
Step 1. An eBook must have a sales page to sell.
The sales page is what sales the eBook. This must make a great impression on the reader / buyer or no one buys the book, and you won’t make money from it. Usually people use some type of squeeze page, and if your budget is really tight, you can always host your squeeze page on a free hosting site like Google Pages, Webs, or a multitude of other free sites.
Step 2: People Judge an eBook by its Cover.
The eBook must look like it’s worth the money as well. There are many eBook cover designers. Navigate your browser to http://ebookswriter-lite.visual-vision.qarchive.org/ download a free eBook program that helps you literally design your entire eBook for free. There are tons of others online if you search for them. Write your own eBook on free eBook writing software.
Step 3: The content should be worth the money.
There is nothing worse than downloading an eBook full of air. Most times you do get what you pay for in the eBook world, and often you will get six pages with 2 links to someone’s squeeze page for anything less than $3.00. I have yet to download a really valuable on for that price. Please do not write awful eBooks! The entire industry will suffer.
Step 4: Market your eBook.
"E-Book Marketing Exposed" - How To Write, Price And Market Your E-Books For Profits!
Write a blog, do a website, and whatever else you can to market your eBook. Amazon, eBay, TradeBit.com, and Clickbank are all great places to market an eBook.
Step 5: Add unique items like videos in order to stand out from the crowd.
Videos are a unique option for an eBook and will add value an worth to your eBook. People are more likely to buy video eBooks depending on the subject, and likely to pay more.
These are just some ideas and steps for writing an eBook online. View YouTube for more videos on the subject, and you will certainly see another post on the subject.
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