Ever thought that you would like to file taxes from home for other people maybe for extra cash or something. Need to file your own taxes like I do?
Jackson Hewitt offers an inexpensive tax class online. Click here for an online demo! All you need is a computer, a calculator and an Internet connection. You can prepare taxes for others for extra money, and you may also be able to acquire college credit if you attend the University of Phoenix Online. In any case, it is a nice addition to any resume, and is perfect for an online student pursuing degrees in accounting or business. Jackson Hewitt requires these classes of their seasonal tax prepares. If you’re looking for additional, part-time (or full-time if you prefer) / seasonal income to supplement any home based business you may be operating in the post-Christmas shopping season, preparing taxes for others may be a great idea. The season lasts from somewhere around the end of January to about April 15th.
H&R Block also offers a tax class online that you might want to look into. I have always filed taxes with Jackson Hewitt and do not feel qualified to give a personal recommendation for their services or online tax classes.