Fuel My Blog – A Winning Blog Site

Author esantra Category , , ,


Fuel my blog is a new site that I discovered while stumbling around the world wide web. Not only can you register your blog for review and increase your blog readership, you may also sign up for product testing.

Product testing involves receiving free products at home that you review and then posting a review for the product on your blog. You sign up for this while registering your blog. It really is a nice opportunity for poor bloggers everywhere who just don’t have the time to worry about page rank. At least you get some nice bonuses. I recommend writing real reviews that honestly reflect your opinions. In my opinion, bad publicity can even be better than good publicity in some cases.

In any case, it is another place to register your blogs for readership. I hope you enjoy the blog group and gets lots of free stuff in the meantime.

How to Make a Video Commercial For Your Online Product

Author esantra Category , , , ,

The Complete Online Coupon E-book

Making a video for your online product is easy! Software usually comes pre-installed if you have Windows Vista. I used Windows Movie Maker and a couple of images edited with Gimp to create my cheesy commercial for my online coupon e-book, which is happily selling around 2 copies a week! My little tiny coupon e-book sales are making me so happy.

I had to make this commercial for my Digital Media course, but it is definitely a great marketing tool. Added to the fact that you’ve created a video, you now have the opportunity to post it to YouTube, which should get you at least 4 views!

Windows Movie Maker is so easy to operate that it is almost self explanatory, and background commercial music can be downloaded for free at http://freeplaymusic.com/ among other sites. Just Google free background music or something like that. This really is not as complicated as I thought from watching similar videos on YouTube. I encourage you to experiment with the software and try making your own videos.

Also, Gimp is a great image editing software that is open source and totally free. It can be downloaded at http://files.uberdownloads.com/apps/gimp/index.php. It is a great tool for bloggers and such to use. Create your own photos with frames and special effects using Gimp. Have fun creating your commercial.

For more information on how to use Windows Movie Maker, you can view this article: http://www.ehow.com/how_2103588_use-windows-movie-maker.html

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